My friend Marcia Mickelson tagged me. Here's what to do:
Post rules on your blog.
Answer the six "8" items.
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment.
8 Favorite TV Shows
The Office
Grey's Anatomy
American Idol
Desperate Housewives
The Today Show
8 Things I did yesterday
Got the kids off to school
Talk to my mom on the phone
Exercised on a treadmill
Took Abi to the Carousel for a ride
Took the kids to piano lessons
Made a casserole for dinner
Took Dale and Grace to Achievements and scouts
Put everybody to bed
8 Things I look forward to
Spending time together with my family
Thanksgiving vacation
Seeing my sister-in-law's twin boys
Teaching the kids to snow ski
Getting some furniture for my living room
Abi start preschool or something
The movie Twilight
8 Favorite Restaurants
Olive Garden
Joe's Crab Shack
Costco (hot dog and drink for only a $1.50, baby)
8 Things on my wish list
Couch and love seat
New Wardrobe
Take my kids to Disneyland
Trip to Hawaii
Wall Decorations
Patio Furniture
Playset for the kids in the backyard
Tag 8 People
Holly Duenas
Kim Champion
Patty Smith
Dantzel Piercy
Jocelyn Pond
Melissa Larson
Kathryn Smith